The Priest

The Priest

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Is Marriage a Failed Institution?

Is Marriage a Failed Institution? Darwin taught us that only the fittest organisms survive. And as reward for their ‘efforts’, they get to pass-on their genes. For most organisms, for the most part, this

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December 15th, 2021


Is Marriage a Failed Institution?

Is Marriage a Failed Institution? Darwin taught us that only the fittest organisms survive. And as reward for their ‘efforts’, they get to pass-on their genes. For most organisms, for the most part, this is true. Humans, however, have turned this law on its head. In comparison to the Siberian Tiger or an African Bull Elephant, we are neither fitter nor stronger, yet we are outperforming all of them! And worse still, our action of hunting, is causing the extinction of some of these majestic and ferocious beasts; the Tasmanian Tigers that once roamed the Down Under and the Black

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Decision Making

Prudence: The Principle for Right Action

Our actions or inactions matter. They are not isolated and inconsequential events. Actions however bold, entail responsibilities, therefore they require skill and a certain sagacity. In simple terms, prudence is necessary for right action. What then is prudence and how do we acquire it? These are the issues under consideration in this segment. First, a story from ancient Greece.  Voices From the Past Creon, ruler of Thebes decreed that no one should bury the dead body of Polynikes who fell in battle fighting against his own country. Anyone who contravenes this mandate will be put to death. The dead man’s

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The Art of Decision Making by Michael Okechukwu The Priest
Decision Making

The Art of Decision Making

How to make Good Decisions. Making a good decision is an art. If you think you don’t make good decisions or that you have not been making the best ones lately, do not be alarmed. It is not a skill we are born with.  It is a learned behavior, though some of us are better at it than others. How you arrived at a cause of action or in-action determines the quality of said behavior. As such, the quality of our decision is directly dependent on our decision-making process. Therefore, it is crucial how you settled on buying that car,

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Self Awareness

Self-Esteem or Self-Worthiness?

Self-Esteem or Self-Worthiness? Self-esteem is a very familiar concept. High self-esteem is usually associated with confidence and success, while low self-esteem is seen to be related to lack of success and depression. However, in recent times, psychologists are rethinking this paradigm, contemplating whether the idea of high or low self-esteem is harmful or helpful. Some even think the term does not represent any concrete reality in humans, and as such does not exist. There are valid arguments on all sides, which makes evident the need for further investigation and thinking on the matter. I believe in the realness and value

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the death of socrates, socrates, painting-6471743.jpg
Grief & Loss

On Death and Dying

Imagine walking through a dark corridor, feeling your way as you go dreading what you might bump into. Then your hands feel a wall. Then a door, then a door knob. You grasp the knob, turn and push. Crack of light. You open all the way, behold, you find yourself in lush meadow teeming with vitality and light. That is death. Tuesday afternoon at about 2:15pm, my phone rings. I do not recognize the caller ID but I answer any way, which is something I rarely do. “Hello.” “Is this Michael?”. “Yes, speaking.” “Who is this?” “Oh,…ahh…” comes the voice from the other side,

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Decision Making

The Two Ways

Life is difficult. Life is hard. Let no one tell you otherwise. Am not here to tell you how best to handle it so as to make it easy and pain free, though am sure many people proffer such remedies and some procure them. Neither am I here to tell you to suck it up, that’s how shit is. Nah! My goal is to x-ray, albeit brief, the two modalities for dealing with life available to everyone one of us. I am here to offer you a choice. There is the standard, politically correct and ordinary way to approach life,

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